Student Success Scholarship Program

Ballet Eclectica Ballerina on pointe in back attitude wearing gold tutu and crown

COCA students may apply for funds to participate in outside training opportunities to enhance training received at COCA.

The Student Success Scholarship Program helps students to:

  • Identify opportunities they believe will bring about a thorough or dramatic change in their artistic practice
  • Create persuasive applications outlining the anticipated transformation

Applicants must be enrolled in COCA classes or intensives in the semester they are applying plus a minimum of one previous semester. Students must be at least 14 years of age.

Applications will be accepted January 27–February 27, 2025. 

  • Program Description: Describe the program/experience you hope to be partially/fully funded through this application. Include dates, location, anticipated outcomes, and full cost of the program.
  • Application Essay: Write an essay outlining the dramatic change(s) anticipated through participating in the program. Describe the anticipated change using one or more of the following categories: skills, pride, confidence, perspective and/or identity. The application essay should be typed and no longer than 500 words.
  • Application Essay Supporting Materials: Candidates can choose to include materials to enhance their application (e.g., photos, artwork, school projects, creative writing pieces, vision boards or video clips).

The 2025 application period for this scholarship has closed.

Application FAQs

When does the application period begin and end in 2025?

Applications will be accepted between January 27 and February 27, 2025.

What is the amount of the scholarship?

The amount of the Student Success Scholarship in 2025 is $2,500.

What happens after submission of an application?

Applications are judged by a panel of 3–4 COCA constituents using a transformation rubric. Current faculty and staff will not serve as voting members on the panel of judges.

What happens when an application is chosen to be funded?

Funds are paid directly to the program, not the applicant. Funded student will be publicly acknowledged at COCAcabana. Funded student will submit a written recap of the experience outlining if the anticipated level of dramatic change occurred and/or if unexpected transformative events resulted from the experience.