May 4
Dance Showcase 2024
Participating students present a piece they've learned and rehearsed for this culminating performance.
Dance Showcase features ballet, pointe, hip-hop, modern, jazz, and contemporary performances by COCA students. Dancers from COCA’s Pre-Professional Division companies will perform a preview of their spring production of Triumphant, which will take place the following weekend. This show is a joyful experience for all ages!
Dance Showcase is a wonderful way for students to experience the commitment, collaboration, and personal discipline required to prepare for a performance. Dance Showcase is a way for students to prepare a performance without interfering with valuable learning and technique in the classroom.
1:00PM & 3:00PM
Student Enrollment in Dance Showcase
Student enrollment to participate in Dance Showcase is open to students ages 7–18 who are currently enrolled in the corresponding dance technique class at COCA. Registration opens October 15 and closes March 15.
The participation fee is $150 per section. Students may participate in up to two sections and are eligible for a $25 discount on the second section. Students participating as part of a Pre-Professional Division company do not need to register.
Rehearsals for Dance Showcase begin the first week of March. Tech and Spacing rehearsals occur April 29–30, and May 3. Performances are Saturday, May 4 at 1:00PM & 3:00PM.

May 4