Professional Development Workshops

Through our two introductory workshops for groups and our annual Institute for Arts Integration, COCAedu provides ongoing professional development opportunities that are ideal for educators across disciplines, subject-matter, settings, and grade levels.
COCAedu professional development workshops engage teachers in hands-on activities designed to give them the tools needed to develop and implement arts-based strategies in their classrooms.

Defining Arts Integration
COCAedu is positioned to teach about arts integration as a result of its participation in The Kennedy Center Partners in Education program. The workshop COCAedu delivers, Defining Arts Integration, requires 90–120 minutes (depending on group size). During this session, participants see robust examples of arts integration in action, hear from our team, and develop a common language and understanding of arts integration. We can come to you, or depending on availability, host your group at COCA.

Studio Habits of Mind
COCA has been committed to the Studio Habits of Mind framework since 2008. In that time, we’ve learned a lot about how connected the habits are with all content areas. In this workshop, we break down the big ideas across content areas and map them onto the habits, laying the groundwork for arts integrated planning. This session requires 90–120 minutes (depending on group size). During the workshop, participants begin to see connections between all content areas. We find this workshop is particularly helpful for grade level teams, curriculum teams, etc. We can come to you, or depending on availability, host your group at COCA.
Defining Arts Integration and Studio Habits of Mind are scheduled with COCAedu based on mutually preferred dates.
Workshop and Professional Development Partnerships
Interested in scheduling an introductory workshop or discussing a longer-term professional development partnership?