Pre-Professional Division Expectations

Student Expectations
COCA’s expectations for all Pre-Professional Division (PPD) students are listed below. The individual success of each Pre-Professional Division student depends on the dedication and cooperation of each student artist and each student artist’s family. It is the intention of this program to promote respect for all participants. It is expected that all students and parents/guardians of participants read and understand the expected conduct, and continue to observe and follow all the principles throughout the year.
Annual Audition
Current Junior Division, Apprentice Company, and Second Company Dance members as well as all Theatre Artists must audition each year to participate in the Pre-Professional Division. First Company Dance members, in good standing, do not need to re-audition. Student accounts must be in good standing for auditions and registration. Additional auditions for specific placements in the Theatre Program may be necessary throughout the year.
Pre-Professional Division families should contact the Registration Office to register for classes.
We expect Pre-Professional Division students to maintain an 85% attendance rate in all classes. Consistent attendance is important in order for students to learn, grow, and advance. COCA Artistic and/or Pre-Professional Division staff will reach out to parents/guardians and students if there are concerns about attendance.
If a student needs to miss class due to an arrangement outside of COCA, they must contact the Pre-Professional Division Manager at least two weeks prior to the event or activity for approval. Excused absences are given only for one outside production a year, or for school activities that are necessary for a grade. For these non-COCA events, students must provide the rehearsal and performance schedules, event program/acceptance letter, or letter from the student’s school.
For absences due to a medical concern, a doctor’s note is required in order for the absence to be excused. Students with physical injuries that will not allow participation in classes should still attend and learn through observation. Teachers will mark the attendance as present and students will not need to make-up those classes.
A doctor’s note is required for students who have long-term health-related concerns that would cause them to miss an extraordinary number of classes. The doctor’s note serves as documentation for when financial assistance and Pre-Professional Division status are reviewed for the following year. Students with physical injuries that will not allow participation in classes should still attend and learn through observation. Teachers will mark the attendance as present and students will not need to make-up classes.
All students must arrive on time. Faculty has the right to prohibit any student from taking the class that day if he/she arrives late. The tardy student should then observe the class quietly.
Respectful Behavior
A respectful attitude toward the guest artists, faculty, staff, other students, and yourself is expected at all times.
Dress Code
Students must adhere to COCA’s Dress Code for all classes and rehearsals.
Due to concerns regarding our students’ safety as well as insurance liability issues, students under the age of 16 are prohibited from leaving the building between class or rehearsal. Students should come to classes, rehearsals, and performances prepared with food, snacks, and other necessary items.
Ticket Sales
Pre-Professional Division programs are dependent on funds raised from their performances. Student artists are required to support the selling of tickets to these events.
First Company and Apprentice Company Dance students tend to engage in 1–2 residencies per year. Artistic Directors bring in visiting artists to work with company members for a period of 1–2 weeks. During this time, students have the opportunity to work with professional dance artists for 5 hours per day during the week and up to 7 hours on Saturdays and Sundays. This experience is designed to expose our Dance Program students to different styles of dance, help them develop an understanding of a professional rehearsal atmosphere, and introduce them to well-established choreographers currently working in the field. In addition to creating versatility amongst our talented young artists, this experience helps students’ technical and artistic development. All company members are required to remain active throughout the creative process. Casting for the work is at the choreographer’s discretion. Company members have the opportunity to perform in their respective company’s production.
Dance Program students: Poor attendance in regularly scheduled rehearsals and guest artist residencies could result in ineligibility for casting.
Theatre Artist students: All featured parts in productions will be assigned through an audition process during the regularly scheduled rehearsal time. Members are required to be present at auditions in order to be considered for a featured role.
One-On-One Meetings with Artistic Directors
As a member of Ballet Eclectica and COCAdance, annual meetings with the Artistic Directors are held to discuss progress and overall work from the year. Parents/Guardians are not required to attend, but are more than welcome to sit in on these meetings.
Disciplinary Action
In the event a student is not able to follow the above expectations, a “three-strike” system is used to communicate concerns with the student, parents/guardians, and program managers.
Students who receive a strike may face the following consequences:
Strike One: Situation is discussed with the student artist; a parent/guardian is contacted.
Strike Two: Situation is discussed with the student artist; a parent/guardian is present for this meeting.
Strike Three: Situation is discussed with the student artist; a parent/guardian is present for this meeting. Probation or dismissal from the Pre-Professional Division will be decided.
In certain circumstances, when it is in the best interest of the student artist or Pre-Professional Division, it may be necessary for the student to be dismissed from the Pre-Professional Division. Every effort will be made to correct a problematic situation before student dismissal.
If a student fails to uphold their responsibilities, the Artistic Directors or Pre-Professional Division Manager meets with the student and parents/guardians to discuss consequences of probation. If a student is on probationary status, they meet on a scheduled basis with the Pre-Professional Division Manager or Artistic Director to discuss progress, class attendance, attitude, and work ethic based on instructor comments in their core classes. The Pre-Professional Division Manager releases the student from probationary status when the student has demonstrated a renewed commitment to their art.
Grounds for Immediate Dismissal
- Possession of weapons or dangerous items, including ammunition or a component of a weapon
- Possession of or being under the influence of an illegal substance
- Selling or distributing drugs/chemicals or substances represented to be such
- Fighting or otherwise endangering the safety of other students, instructors, and building premises
Parent/Guardian Expectations
COCA aims to provide a nurturing learning environment for its students. Parents/Guardians are encouraged to support their student and their colleagues in their pursuit of the arts for both educational and entertainment purposes.
Parents/Guardians should help to create an arts environment that is free of disrespectful behavior, inappropriate conversations, and public critiques of the student artists or the program. They should encourage their student to abide by the rules and to resolve conflict without resorting to disrespect, hostility, or violence. A positive attitude should be directed toward fellow parents/guardians, students, faculty, and staff, as it shows respect and appreciation for all those who give their time to the success of the program.
Your student has chosen to dedicate a significant amount of time to this program, and they could not do so without your support. We feel it is important for our students to understand that doing one’s best is the primary goal of our program and hope you will reaffirm this message. Please encourage your student with praise for their work and continued commitment.
Our artistic/program staff is dedicated to providing the highest level of training to our students. They make thoughtful decisions regarding the artistic vision, programming, and casting, and operate with the best intentions. We ask that you, as a parent or guardian, respect that their decisions have been made with integrity and strategy for the overall good of the program and the participants. We appreciate your support in this endeavor.
Learning about the arts world will help you better support your student’s development in the field. It will help you understand the benefits they will receive from participating in a rigorous arts training program: the commitment, the discipline, and the social skills learned and acquired through Studio Habits of Mind. We encourage you to expand your understanding by asking questions and conducting independent research so you can aid your student’s understanding and growth.
Open communication between parents/guardians and the artistic/program staff is key. We encourage you to communicate and report questions, concerns, and comments through the proper channels. This creates a respectful and understanding mutual relationship.
Grounds for Immediate Dismissal
- Possession of weapons or dangerous items, including ammunition or a component of a weapon
- Possession of or being under the influence of an illegal substance
- Selling or distributing drugs/chemicals or substances represented to be such
- Fighting or otherwise endangering the safety of other students, instructors, and building premises