Student Guidelines & Policies

Students should keep absences to a minimum and are encouraged to make up all missed classes.
Prompt attendance is important for full warmup and curriculum. If a student arrives more than 15 minutes late, they are only allowed to observe their class. If they arrive more than 15 minutes late and have another class following, the student is allowed to warm up themselves and join their next class, as some classes use the previous class as a warmup.
Cancellation Of Classes
In the event that COCA cancels a class for any reason, notice will be posted on the monitors in the lobby and email and text notifications will be sent to inform students and their parents/guardians.
If inclement weather, a power outage, or unforeseen circumstances necessitate the closing of any COCA program, COCA is not responsible for providing a make-up session, credit, or refund. COCA provides information about closings via email, text messages, local media outlets,, and phone at 314.725.6555.
COCA is reluctant to close the building and cancel classes but will do so when the danger to those traveling is too great and safety is a concern. See COCA’s Registration Policies for more information.
Make-Up Classes
Students who miss class due to injury, illness, or personal absences may make up classes if another section of their class meets on a different day. Students may not make up missed classes in another discipline or level. Absences caused by inclement weather or other building closures are not required to be made up. Absences caused by individual class cancellations will be scheduled by COCA for make-up sessions. Missed classes must be made up by the end of the semester. Students are limited to 3 make-up classes per semester.
To schedule a make-up class in an alternate section of their class, students should complete the make-up class form and submit it for approval to the discipline’s Artistic Director by email at least 24 hours prior to the make-up class.
All students are placed with care and consideration at all levels of training. The changing of levels is always decided with the student’s best interest and advancement in mind; promotion may not occur every year. It is not uncommon for a student to stay at the same level for two or more years. (Each “year” consists of both Fall and Winter/Spring Semesters.) Students should remain in the previous year’s level for Summer Semester classes. If a student is promoted too soon, they will miss valuable training, may struggle in subsequent levels, or become injured.
Any level changes will be communicated per instructor with Artistic Director and/or Dance Manager approval, or via the results of a placement class.
Schedule Changes
Individual student schedule changes, such as transfers and withdrawals, can be made during the first three weeks of each semester. After that date, transferring from one class to another is not accepted, and the student must wait until the start of the next session to transfer. Refunds are only given if a withdrawal is completed before the semester begins, unless it’s a medical withdrawal. See Withdrawal Policy for details.
Parental Notification
It is important we have up-to-date contact information for parents/guardians and emergency contacts. If your phone number or address changes, you must tell us as soon as possible. The phone numbers provided on the application are the only way we notify parents in case of an accident or other emergency. Emergency situations, which may require COCA to close or evacuate the building, make it necessary for staff to contact a parent/guardian; please make sure staff members can do that efficiently by providing updated information. To receive messages via text, you need to opt in to texts along with supplying their provider though their account.
Communication During Emergencies
At COCA, the safety of our students, employees, and patrons is our highest priority. Every effort is made to mitigate emergency situations; however, emergencies may still occur. With timely response, proactive communication, and properly trained employees, COCA’s goal is to always protect the safety of everyone on our campus, especially during emergency situations.
For communication purposes, COCA has two categories of emergencies: Evacuation Emergencies and Non-Evacuation Emergencies.
Evacuation Emergencies can include Fire Emergency, Earthquake Emergency, and “Code Silver” (Active Shooter).
During Evacuation Emergencies, building occupants will evacuate using the nearest, safe exit. Once outside, everyone will gather at the muster point in front of Washington University’s 560 Music Center building, located across Washington Avenue. No one is allowed to leave the scene until the “All Clear” is given by U. City Fire/Police Department.
After the evacuation is complete and everyone is accounted for, COCA will send text* and email** communication to families, notifying them of the emergency. Email and text communication will also contain instructions for pick-up and/or drop-off, as needed.
In the event of an Evacuation Emergency, all calls to COCA’s main number, 314.725.6555 ext. 0, will be forwarded to COCA’s mobile emergency phone so that parents, guardians, and students can remain in contact with COCA for real-time updates.
Non-Evacuation Emergencies can include Facility Emergencies such as a power outage, Severe Weather Emergencies, and “Code Yellow” (Precautionary Lockdown).
During Non-Evacuation Emergencies, building occupants will be notified of the emergency using COCA’s paging system, and directed to action accordingly. Actions could include moving to a designated shelter location within the building or remaining in their studio until the emergency is lifted.
In the event of a Non-Evacuation Emergency, COCA will send text* and email** communication to families notifying them of the emergency. Email and text communication will also contain instructions for pick-up and/or drop-off, as needed. COCA’s phone lines will remain active, and parents, guardians, and students can call for real-time updates.
*Text notifications will only be sent to accounts in COCA’s registration software where mobile service provider has been entered. To check to see if your account is eligible for text updates, contact COCA’s Registration Office at 314.725.6555 ext. 1130 or email at
**Email notifications will be sent to the email address associated with your registration account. To verify that COCA has the correct email address on file, contact COCA’s Registration Office at 314.725.6555 ext. 1130 or email at
Drop-Off & Pick-Up
All students can be dropped off in COCA’s circle drive (Edward Jones Drive). Do not sit idle in the drive.
All students must be picked up promptly at the end of class or rehearsal by a parent or guardian. Students are under supervision during their instruction time only; faculty and staff are not responsible for supervising students outside of teaching time. In case of emergency, notify Patron Services at 314.725.6555.
Food & Beverages
Food may only be eaten in the designated areas of the building. No food is allowed in the studios, bathrooms, theatre, or dressing rooms. However, closed water bottles are allowed in the studios. All food and waste must be thrown in the garbage cans or recycling bins provided. COCA is a nut-free facility, we ask that parents/guardians only send nut-free snacks and meals.
Health & Safety Procedures
For the health and safety of the COCA community, COCA’s Health and Safety Procedures set forth current guidelines for operations.
Medical Illness or Emergency
Should your student become ill while at COCA, he or she will be removed from their activity so that isolation precautions and/or control measures may be implemented. A parent or guardian will be notified to come and pick up the student as soon as possible. Parents may need to contact an emergency person to pick up the student. Students with known communicable and contagious illnesses will be sent home. A student may return to COCA after an illness has been evaluated by a physician, medication prescribed, and any period of contagion has passed as determined by a licensed physician. A written statement from the student’s doctor is required. In an accident or medical emergency, our staff will take the appropriate emergency measures to ensure the necessary care and protection of the student.
If a student is injured, it is recommended that they observe the class to allow the injury to heal. If a student has an injury requiring doctor’s care, a release form may be necessary to return to class. A student may be allowed to observe class without accumulating absences.
Lost and Found
A lost and found bin is located in the front lobby. Always check promptly for lost items as the bin is emptied at the end of each semester. Valuable items are locked safely at the front desk. It is helpful to have the student’s name on all belongings so that items can be returned promptly. It is wise to leave all valuable items at home. COCA is not responsible for lost items.
Observation Of Classes
Parents/Guardians are invited to wait in the spaces outside each studio and observe their student through the specially designed mirrors. To avoid unnecessary distractions to students and instructors, no one is allowed in the studios to watch classes except during the annual observation periods. One week each semester, parents/guardians are invited into the studios to observe their student’s class. Observers must be respectful of the class, the instructor, and the students, and observe class quietly. Cameras, video, and/or cell phones are not allowed in the studio except on special observation occasions.
Families are expected to behave in an appropriate manner creating a fun-filled learning environment. Families will treat each other and staff with respect following COCA’s rules.
When negative behavior occurs, faculty will attempt to redirect the student’s behavior. If the student’s behavior remains disruptive, they will be given a time out (a brief, supervised separation from the group for no longer than 5 minutes). If the disruptive behavior continues beyond the time out, the student’s parent or guardian will be contacted to discuss ideas for solving the problem or conflict. Disciplinary measures include a time out and/or exclusion from certain activities. Repeated disciplinary problems can result in a student being suspended for a day or more. The student’s registration can be revoked if all appropriate attempts to redirect their behavior fail. This behavior is documented through the disciplines’ manager. All fights will result in an immediate one-day suspension.
“Leave the Bench” Policy: Students must remain in designated areas as directed by staff. When staff are actively addressing negative behavior, an altercation, or managing a safety related incident, it is imperative that all students, including those not directly involved, immediately follow the directions of staff as they de-escalate the situation. This policy allows staff to focus on those directly involved in the situation and avoid additional safety concerns related to members not directly involved engaging in the situation to participate, intervene, or observe. Because these actions could place staff and uninvolved students in harm’s way or create additional safety risks for staff to address; failure of involved and uninvolved students to immediately follow safety directives from staff (even if their actions are well-intentioned) may result in disciplinary action. COCA adheres to the following methods of discipline. It is our policy never to use physically or mentally abusive forms of discipline.
- Discipline will be proportional to inappropriate behavior and enforced within a suitable time.
- Students will not be subjected to verbal or physical abuse.
- Students will be informed of inappropriate behavior and given time out or excluded from certain activities as warranted by the student’s behavior. Parents/guardians may also be called, if necessary.
The illegal use of alcohol, cigarettes, and controlled substances are strictly forbidden on COCA’s campus. Students in violation will be dismissed immediately.

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