Stock Gifts

COCA is pleased to accept tax-deductible gifts of stock. Stock gifts may be transferred electronically to COCA by providing your broker with COCA’s information.
Steps to Make a Stock Gift to COCA
1. Contact your financial advisor and provide the information below to ensure a quick and accurate transfer of funds:
COCA’s broker: First Clearing Corp., Wells Fargo Advisors
D.T.C. #: 0141
Account #: 2020-5561
Account Name: Center of Creative Arts (COCA)
Contact Name: Tom Garfinkel
P: 314.746.2976
2. Notify COCA of your intent to make a gift of appreciated stock, providing the following information to Daron Hendrix, Senior Director of Development, at 314.561.4861 or
Donor’s name
Name of the stock being transferred
Number of shares transferred
Designation of the gift
Transaction date
Name of your financial advisor or bank handling the transfer
COCA is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Contributions to COCA are eligible for tax deduction to the limit allowable by law.